Knights of the Compact

“Humans. Those pirates always find a way to be right where they aren’t supposed to be, when they aren’t supposed to be there.”

The Last High Ascendant

The Lost Knight

In the Far Reaches, all that it takes to earn fortune and glory is the will to cut down anyone who gets in your way.

Sadly, it takes a lot more to survive.

Waking up on the corporate world of Alum, light years form where his cryoship was supposed to take him, Cieran Kean finds himself the only Human anyone knows. Given the ultimate fresh start, all he wants to do is make the most of it in peace and quiet.

Two things in short supply when his roommate contracts out to a crime boss, his place of business is attacked by gangs, and there are more mercenaries than police on the streets.

The Storm Knight

The Empire of the Homeworld is one of the Great Four nations of the Compact, a melting pot of cultures and societies dominated by the Trahcon.

Humans are the newest kids on the block, and they didn’t join willingly.

Growing up among Trahcon, Ashe’lori is a young woman who can never find her place: too Human for her packmates, too alien for members of her own species.

Hoping to forge her own path, she throws herself into any mystery she can find in the hopes of attracting the attention of Imperial Intelligence… and may come to regret her desires.